Experiencing Marine Reserves

Experiencing Marine Reserves

Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR) is a national programme exploring marine conservation and local marine reserves. Students learn about marine biodiversity, human impacts, and the importance of marine reserves for the conservation of our oceans.

Students also experience their local marine environment first-hand through snorkel field trips, leading to a better understanding of marine conservation issues in their local area and fostering kaitiakitanga (guardianship).

Our EMR coordinators offer guidance, direction and coordination of classroom programmes and field trips to the ocean. We also provide snorkel equipment, instruction, resources and snorkel risk management.

“We swam in the marine reserve and for the first time ever I experienced such a healing place for the soul and saw so many colourful fishes, pauas and crayfish. It was so much fun!!” - Year 10 student

The Experiencing Marine Reserve programme was developed in Whangarei by the national Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust in 2002 and in now delivered in 10 regions across the country. Here in Wellington, Mountains to Sea Wellington are the regional provider of the programme. Find out more about the national programme here https://www.emr.org.nz/

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